
Join us for a virtual learning opportunity on June 3 from 2pm-3pm NST, where we will be joined by representatives from the Department of Industry, Energy, and Technology to provide an overview of the Green Transition Fund and answer questions. 

The Green Transition Fund provides financial support to businesses, organizations, post-secondary institutions, and industry associations to assist with the province’s transition to a green economy. The program will de-risk commercial and non-commercial activities that facilitate collaboration, investment, and industry growth required for the transition.

The Green Transition Fund targets the greening of commercial operations in traditional sectors and development of new opportunities related to the growth of a green economy. The program supports research and development projects related to green transition and green economy supply chain improvement. The program includes streams for projects led by Indigenous and rural proponents that are focused on a green economic transition. 

Green Transition Fund Info Session

  • lundi le 03 juin, 2024 de 14h00 à 15h00
  • Virtual